Monday, August 31, 2009
Aldo Loepald
Aldo Leopold was a forest official in the US in the 1920s.He designed the early polocies on widermess conversation and wild life mangement.In the 1960s,Rechel Carson published several articles that caused immediate worldwide concern on the effects of pesticides on nature and mankind. She wrote a wll-known book called silent spring,which eventually led to a change in Government Polciy and public awarness.E O wilson is an entomoligist who envinsioned that biological diversitywas a key to human srvial on Earth .He wrote Diversity of Life in 1993 .which awarded price for the best book published on environmental issues.
Each of these thinkers looked at the environment from completely different perspective.Charless Drawin wrote the origin of spices,which brought to light the close relationship between habitates and spices.It brought about a new way of thinking about man's relationship with other spices that was based on evolution .Alfered wallace came to the same conclusions during his work .Ralph Emerson spoke of te dangers of commerce to our environment way back in the 1840s.Henry Threou in the 1860s wrote that the wilderness sholud be preserved after he ahd lived in the wilderness for a year.He felt that most people did not care for nature and would sell it off for a small sum of money.
People In Environment
There are several internationally known environmental thinkers.Among those who have made land mark contributions the names that are useually mentioned are Charles darwin,Ralph Emerson,Henry Threau John Muir.

Which is The Botanical survey of India(BSI).The BSI was established in 1890 at the Royal Botanic Gardens ,culcutta.However it closed down for several years after 1939 and was reopened in 1954,In 1952 plans were made to recognise the BSI and formulate its objectives.By 1955 ,the BSI had its head quaters in culcutta with cirlce officers at coimbatore .shillong pune and Dehradun,Between 1962 and 1979,offices were established in Allahabad ,Jodhpur,Port blair ,Itangar and Gangtok.The BSI currently has nine regionbal centers.It carries out surveys of plant resources in different regions.
This is Known as Utterkand Seva Nidhi,,which is in Almora .This Organisatoin is Nodel Afency that supports NGOs in need of funds for their environment-related activities.Its majot program is organizing training school teachers to use its locate-specific Environment Education workbook program,its main target is sutainable resourcuse at the village level through training school children .Its environment education program covers about 500 schools.
Kalpavriksh,is in pune This NGO intially Delhi-based ,is now working form pune and is active in several other parts of India ,Kalpavriksha works on a variety of fronts;education and awarness;Investigation and research diret action and lobbying ;and litigation with regard to environment and devolopment issues.Its activites include talks and audio -visuals in schools and colleges,nature walks and outstation camps,organising sudent participation in ongoing compaigns including street demonstrations ,publishing with city administrators.It is involved with the preperation of site-specific envronmentel manuels for school teachers.
The Salim Ali center for Ornithology and Natural History(SACON),coimbatore:This instituation was Dr.Salim Ali's dream ,which became a reality only after his demise.He wanted to support a group of committed conversation sientists on a permenant basis.Intially concieved as being a wing of the Bombay Natural History society(BNHS).It later envolvee in to an independent organisation based at coimbatore in 1990.It has institured a variety of field programs htat have added to the country's information on our threatened biodiversity.
Kalpavriksh,is in pune This NGO intially Delhi-based ,is now working form pune and is active in several other parts of India ,Kalpavriksha works on a variety of fronts;education and awarness;Investigation and research diret action and lobbying ;and litigation with regard to environment and devolopment issues.Its activites include talks and audio -visuals in schools and colleges,nature walks and outstation camps,organising sudent participation in ongoing compaigns including street demonstrations ,publishing with city administrators.It is involved with the preperation of site-specific envronmentel manuels for school teachers.
The Salim Ali center for Ornithology and Natural History(SACON),coimbatore:This instituation was Dr.Salim Ali's dream ,which became a reality only after his demise.He wanted to support a group of committed conversation sientists on a permenant basis.Intially concieved as being a wing of the Bombay Natural History society(BNHS).It later envolvee in to an independent organisation based at coimbatore in 1990.It has institured a variety of field programs htat have added to the country's information on our threatened biodiversity.
Whicha as Bharathi Vidyapeeth Institue Of Environment Educationand Research in pune.This is a part of the Bharathi Vidyapeeth Deemed University .The instute has a PHD,a Masters and Bachelors programs in Environmental sciences >it also offers an innovative diploma in EnvironmentEducationfor inserviceteachers.It implements a large outech program that has covered over 435 schools in which it trains teachers and conducts fortnightly Environment Education Programs>Biodiversity Converservation is major focus of its research intiatives.It devolopes low-cost interpretation centers for natural and architectural meterial for a variety of target groups.Its unique feature is that it conducts environmetaleducation from the primary school level to the postgraduate level.The BVIEER has produces servel EE aids.It has devoloped a teachers hand book linked to the school curriculum and text book UGC for the compulsory undergraduate course on environment.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
This is held in Ahemadabad.which is the center for Environment Education,Ahmedabad was intiated in 1989.It has a wide range of progrmas on the environment and produces a variety of educational meterial .CEEs Trainning in Environment Education(TEE)program has trained many environ mental educators.
Which as CPR Environmental Education Center,Madras was set up in 1988,it conducts a variety of programs to spread environmental awarness and create an interest in conversation among the general public.It focuses attention on NGOs,teacher,women ,youth and children,to generally promote conversation of nature and natural resources .Its programs include componets on wildlife and biodiversity issues .
The BNHS publishers a popular magazine called the Hornbill and also an internationally well-known journal on Natureal History.Its other publications include salim Ali's Handbook on Birds.JC Daniel's book of Indian Reptitles ,Sh parter's book of Indian Mammals and pv Bole's Book of Indian trees.
world wide Funf for Nature-India(WWF-I),New Delhi;The WWF-F was intiated in 1969 in Mumbai,after which the headquarters were shifted to Delhi with several branch offices all over india.The early years focused attention on wildlige education and awarness .It runs several progrms including the Nature clubs of India program for school shildren and work as a think=tank and lobby force for environmental and development issues.
Center for sceience Environment(CSE),New Delahi:The activites of this center Include organising campaigns holding workshops and conferences and producing environment -rel;ated has published a major document on the State of India'sEnvironment,the first of its kind to produced as a CitizensReport on the Environment fortnightly.It is involved in the publications of meterial in the form of books,posters,video films and also conducts workshops and seminaars on biodiversity-related issues.
world wide Funf for Nature-India(WWF-I),New Delhi;The WWF-F was intiated in 1969 in Mumbai,after which the headquarters were shifted to Delhi with several branch offices all over india.The early years focused attention on wildlige education and awarness .It runs several progrms including the Nature clubs of India program for school shildren and work as a think=tank and lobby force for environmental and development issues.
Center for sceience Environment(CSE),New Delahi:The activites of this center Include organising campaigns holding workshops and conferences and producing environment -rel;ated has published a major document on the State of India'sEnvironment,the first of its kind to produced as a CitizensReport on the Environment fortnightly.It is involved in the publications of meterial in the form of books,posters,video films and also conducts workshops and seminaars on biodiversity-related issues.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Institutions In Environment
There have been several Government and NOn-government Organizatioms(NG)s) that are working towards environmental protection in our country.They have led to a growing intrest in environmental protection and conservation of nature and natural resources.The traditional conservation practices that were part of ancient India's culture have,however,gradually disappeared.Public awarness is thus a critical need to further environmental protection.Among the large number of institutions that deal wiht environmental protection and conservation,a few well-known organizations that government organizations like the BSI and ZSI,and NGOs like the BNHS,WWF-1etc...
The Bombay Natural History society(BNHS),Mumbai:The BNHS began as a small society of six members in 1883.It grew from a group of shikaris and people from all walks of life in to an important research organizations that substainlly influences converservations policy in hte country.Its influence on wildlife policy bilding research popular publications and peoples action has been a unique feature of the mutifaceted society.Uncdoubtly its major contribtuion has been in the field of wildlife research .It is india's oldest conversation researched NGO and one that has been atthe forefront of the battle for preservation of spices and ecosystems,.
The Bombay Natural History society(BNHS),Mumbai:The BNHS began as a small society of six members in 1883.It grew from a group of shikaris and people from all walks of life in to an important research organizations that substainlly influences converservations policy in hte country.Its influence on wildlife policy bilding research popular publications and peoples action has been a unique feature of the mutifaceted society.Uncdoubtly its major contribtuion has been in the field of wildlife research .It is india's oldest conversation researched NGO and one that has been atthe forefront of the battle for preservation of spices and ecosystems,.
ASTHE eARTH'S NATURAL ARE RAPIDLY DWINDLING AND OUR ENVIRONMENT is being increasingly degraded by human acivities it is evident that something needs to be done.feel that managing all this is something that the Government should do .But if we go on endangering our environment ,thereis no way in which the Government can perfork all these clean-up functions .It is the prevention of environmental degraition that must become a part of all our lives.Just as for any disease,prevention is better than cure protecting our environment is economically more viable cleaning it up once it is damaged.Individually,we can play a major role inenvironment management . We can reduce wastage of natural resources and we can act as watchdogs that inform the Government about sources that lead to pollution and degradation of the environment .
The can only be made possible through public awarness.Mass media such as news papers,radio and television strongly influence public opinion .However,someone has to bring this about .It eachof us feels strongly about the environment,the press and media will add to our efforts.Politicians democracy always respond positively to a strong publlicy supported movement.Thus if you join an democracy always respond positively to a strong publicy-supported conversation you might be able to influence politicians to make green policies .we are living on spaceship Earth with a limited supply of resources.Each of us is reponible for spreading this message to as many people as possible
The can only be made possible through public awarness.Mass media such as news papers,radio and television strongly influence public opinion .However,someone has to bring this about .It eachof us feels strongly about the environment,the press and media will add to our efforts.Politicians democracy always respond positively to a strong publlicy supported movement.Thus if you join an democracy always respond positively to a strong publicy-supported conversation you might be able to influence politicians to make green policies .we are living on spaceship Earth with a limited supply of resources.Each of us is reponible for spreading this message to as many people as possible
The Option value of Nature
while we utilite several goods and services furnished by nature and enjoy its benefits we must recognize that every activity that we do in our daily lives has an adverse impact on natures integrity.Thus if we use up all our resources,kill off and let spices of plants and an animals become extinct on Earth,pollute our air and water degrade land and create enormous quantities of waste we as a gemeratiom will leave nothing for future generations.our present generations has devoloped its economics and lifestyles on insustinable patterns of life.
However,nature provides us with various options on how we utilize greedly and destroy its integrityand long term values allows us to use resources sustainbly and preserve its goods and services for the nature.
However,nature provides us with various options on how we utilize greedly and destroy its integrityand long term values allows us to use resources sustainbly and preserve its goods and services for the nature.

In an urban setting,green spaces and gardens are vital to the psycological and physical health of city dewellers.They provide not only aesthetic and visual appeal but the ability to ensure that each invidual is able to access a certain amount of peace and tranquility.Thus,urban environmentla conversation educaton facility in urban settings includes the need to set up well-designed and properly managed zoological parks and aquarinms.These have got great value in sentiszing school students to wild life .Many young people who fraquented zoos as the young children grow up to love wild life and become conservations.
In the absence of access to protected Are,a botanical garden or a zoo,one concept tht can be developed is to create small a=nature awareness areas with interpretion facilities at district and taluka levels.These areas can be devoloped to mimic small-scale natural ecosystems.such nature trails are invaluble assets for instituing conversation education and awarness.They can be devoloped in a small woodlot,a patch of grass land ,a pond ecosystem ,or be situated along an undistributed river on coastel area.This would bring home to the visitor the importance of protecting our dwindling widerness areas.
Aesthitic/Recreational Value of Nature
The aesthetic and recrational values that nature possesses enliven our existance on earth.This is created by devolopingnational parks and wildlife sancturies in relatively undistrubed area.A true wildness
experience not only has recreational value but is an increadible learning experience.It brings abou an understanding of the oneness of nature and the fact that we are entirely dependent upon the intricate functioning of ecosystems. The beauty of nature encompasses every aspect of the living and non-living part of our Earth.One can appreciate the magnificence of a mountain,the power of the sea,the beauty of a forest and the vast expanse of the desert.It is therse natural vistas and their increadible diversity of plant and animal life that has led to the development of several philosophies of life.It has also inspired artists to develop visual arts and writers and poets to create their works that vitalize our lives.

Awiderness experience has exceptional recreational value.This has been described as nature tourism,or wildlife tourism,or ecotourism,and is also one aspect of adveture tourism .These recreational facilities not only proude a pleasurable experience but are also intended to crate a deep respect and lov for natur.They are key tools in eucating people about the fragility of the environment and the need for sustainable lifestyles.
Productive value of Nature
As scientists make new advances in feilds like biotechnology we begin to understand that the world's species contain an incredible and uncountable number of complex chemicals.These are the raw metiruails used for devoloping thousands new products in the future.The flowering plants and insects that form the most species-rich groups of living organisms are thus vital for the future develpoment of men If we degrade and destroy their habibit,these species will become extint.If we see a product that comes from an illegally killed wild speciesbeing used for sold and if we dont inform the authorieties then we become party to its exitinction,Once a spices being used a spieces is lost man cannot bring it back it back .when we permit the destructions of a forest ,wetland or other natural area and do not protest about it,future generations are being denid the use of these valuable resources.
Thus the urgent nees to protect all living species is concept that we need to understand and act upon .while invidually,we perhaps cannot directly prevent the extintion of a spices ,creating a strong public opinion to protect the national parks and wildllife sancturies in which wild species live is an importance aspect of sustinable living .There is a close link between
agriculture and the forest,which illustrates its productive value.For crops to be succesful,the flowers of fruit trees and vegetables must be pollianted by insects ,bats and birds.Their life cycles however frequently require intact forests.
Thus the urgent nees to protect all living species is concept that we need to understand and act upon .while invidually,we perhaps cannot directly prevent the extintion of a spices ,creating a strong public opinion to protect the national parks and wildllife sancturies in which wild species live is an importance aspect of sustinable living .There is a close link between
agriculture and the forest,which illustrates its productive value.For crops to be succesful,the flowers of fruit trees and vegetables must be pollianted by insects ,bats and birds.Their life cycles however frequently require intact forests.
Friday, August 28, 2009
We are waste or polute large amounts of natur;s clean water;we create more and more meterial like plastic that we discard aftera single use use;and we waste colossal amounts
of food,which is discardas garbage.Manufacturing processes create solid waste by products that are discarded,as well as chemicals that flowout as liquid waste and pollute water and gases that pollute the air.Increasing amounts of aste canot be managed by the air,increasing amounts of waste cannot be managed by natural processes.These accumulate in our envirnment leading to a variety of diseases and other adverse environmental impacts now seriously affecting all our lives Air pollution leads to respiratoy diseases ,water pollution to gastro-intensial diseasesand many pollutionts are known to cause cancer.

This situation will only improve if each of us begins to take cations in our daily lives that will help preserve our environment ,nor can we except Governments alone to manage the safeguarding of the environment,nor can we expect other people to prevent environmental damage we need to do it ourselves .It is a responsinility that each of us must take on as one's own.

Environment is not a single subject;it is an integration of several subjects that includes both sciences and socail studies.To under stand all the diifernt aspects of our environment we need to understand Biology,chemistry,physics,Geography resource managements,economics and population issues .Thus,the scope of environmental studies is extremly wide and covers some aspects of nearly major discipline.
We live in a world where in natural resources are limited.water,air,soil,minerals,oil the products we ger from forests,grasslands,oceans and from agriculture and livestock ,are all a part of our life systems.without them,life itseld would be impossible.As we keep increasing in numbers and the quantity of resources base must inveitably shrik .The Earth cannot be expected to identifinently sustain this is the missue of resources.
More scope
our depence on nature is so great that we cannot continue to live without protecting the Earth's enironmental resources.Thus,most traditions refer to environment as 'Mother Nature'and most traditional societies have learned that respecting nature is vital to protect their own livelyhood.This has led to many cultural practice s that have helped traditional socioeties protect and preserve their natural resources.Respect for nature and all living creaturesis not new in India;all our traditions are based on the values .Emperor Ashoka's edict proclaimed that all forms of life are important for our well-being and this was as far back as the 4th century BC
Over the past 200 years,hoever ,modern societies began to believe that easy answers to the quwstion of producing more resources could be provided by the indiscriminate application of technological innovations.Some examples are:Growing more food by using fertilizers and pestissides developing better strains of domestic animals and crops,irrigating farmland through mega-dams,and devoloping industry.All this has led to rapid economic growth;and this type of oll-considered development has inevitably led to environmental degradation.
The industrial development and intesive agriculture that provides the goods for our in creasingly consumer-obtained society uses up large amounts of natural resources like water,minrals like water,minerals,petrolium products,wood etc.Non-renewble resources,such as minerals and oil are those which will be renewble resources,such as timber and water,are those which can be used but can be regenerated by natural processes such as regrowth or rainfall .But these too will be depleated if we continue to use them faster than nature can replace them.For examples,if the removal of timber and firewood replenished.And the loss of forest cover not only depleats the forest of its resources such a timber and non-wood products,but also affects our water resources because an intact natural forest acts like a sponge which holds water in the rainy season and releases it slowly over the drier periods.In addition deforestation leads to floods in the monsoon and dry rivers once the rains are over.
Such multiple effects on the environment resulting from routine human activities must be understood by each one of us ,if it is to provide us with monery in abank .If we use it rapidly,the capital will be reduced to zero.on the other hand if we use only the intrest ,it can sustain us over the longer tern.This is called subsainable utilization or devolpment.
Over the past 200 years,hoever ,modern societies began to believe that easy answers to the quwstion of producing more resources could be provided by the indiscriminate application of technological innovations.Some examples are:Growing more food by using fertilizers and pestissides developing better strains of domestic animals and crops,irrigating farmland through mega-dams,and devoloping industry.All this has led to rapid economic growth;and this type of oll-considered development has inevitably led to environmental degradation.
The industrial development and intesive agriculture that provides the goods for our in creasingly consumer-obtained society uses up large amounts of natural resources like water,minrals like water,minerals,petrolium products,wood etc.Non-renewble resources,such as minerals and oil are those which will be renewble resources,such as timber and water,are those which can be used but can be regenerated by natural processes such as regrowth or rainfall .But these too will be depleated if we continue to use them faster than nature can replace them.For examples,if the removal of timber and firewood replenished.And the loss of forest cover not only depleats the forest of its resources such a timber and non-wood products,but also affects our water resources because an intact natural forest acts like a sponge which holds water in the rainy season and releases it slowly over the drier periods.In addition deforestation leads to floods in the monsoon and dry rivers once the rains are over.
Such multiple effects on the environment resulting from routine human activities must be understood by each one of us ,if it is to provide us with monery in abank .If we use it rapidly,the capital will be reduced to zero.on the other hand if we use only the intrest ,it can sustain us over the longer tern.This is called subsainable utilization or devolpment.
If we study the natural history of the areas in which welive we could see that our surroundings of these elements.Most of live in landscapes that have been profoundly modified by human beingsin villages,towns,and cities,But even those of us who live in cities must get our food suply from surrounding villages and these,in turn are dependent on natural landscapes such as forests,grasslands,rivers,seashores,for resources such as water for agriculture,fuelwood,fodder,and fish.Thus ,our daily lives are inextericably linked with our surroundings and inveitably affect them.we use water to drink and for other day -to-dayactivities ,we breath air,we use resources from which food is made,and we depend on the community of living plants and animals which form web of life,of which we are also a part.Everything around us forms our environment and our lives depand on keeping its vital systams intact as possible
The MultiDisciplinary Nature of Environments
Is there are two parts in it.(1)Defination,scope and importance
(2)Need for public awarness
a.Instructions in envorinment
b.people in environment
Definition: Environmet studys deals with every issue that affects a living organism.It is essentially a multi disiplinary approach that brings about an appreciation of natural world and human impacts on it is an applied science as itseeks practical answeres to the increasingly important question of how to make human civilizations sustainble on the Earths finite resources.
Its components include biology,geology,chemistry,physics,engeneering ,socialagy,health anthropology economics,statistics computers and philosophy.
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