Saturday, August 29, 2009


ASTHE eARTH'S NATURAL ARE RAPIDLY DWINDLING AND OUR ENVIRONMENT is being increasingly degraded by human acivities it is evident that something needs to be done.feel that managing all this is something that the Government should do .But if we go on endangering our environment ,thereis no way in which the Government can perfork all these clean-up functions .It is the prevention of environmental degraition that must become a part of all our lives.Just as for any disease,prevention is better than cure protecting our environment is economically more viable cleaning it up once it is damaged.Individually,we can play a major role inenvironment management . We can reduce wastage of natural resources and we can act as watchdogs that inform the Government about sources that lead to pollution and degradation of the environment .
The can only be made possible through public awarness.Mass media such as news papers,radio and television strongly influence public opinion .However,someone has to bring this about .It eachof us feels strongly about the environment,the press and media will add to our efforts.Politicians democracy always respond positively to a strong publlicy supported movement.Thus if you join an democracy always respond positively to a strong publicy-supported conversation you might be able to influence politicians to make green policies .we are living on spaceship Earth with a limited supply of resources.Each of us is reponible for spreading this message to as many people as possible

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