Saturday, August 29, 2009

Productive value of Nature

As scientists make new advances in feilds like biotechnology we begin to understand that the world's species contain an incredible and uncountable number of complex chemicals.These are the raw metiruails used for devoloping thousands new products in the future.The flowering plants and insects that form the most species-rich groups of living organisms are thus vital for the future develpoment of men If we degrade and destroy their habibit,these species will become extint.If we see a product that comes from an illegally killed wild speciesbeing used for sold and if we dont inform the authorieties then we become party to its exitinction,Once a spices being used a spieces is lost man cannot bring it back it back .when we permit the destructions of a forest ,wetland or other natural area and do not protest about it,future generations are being denid the use of these valuable resources.
Thus the urgent nees to protect all living species is concept that we need to understand and act upon .while invidually,we perhaps cannot directly prevent the extintion of a spices ,creating a strong public opinion to protect the national parks and wildllife sancturies in which wild species live is an importance aspect of sustinable living .There is a close link between
agriculture and the forest,which illustrates its productive value.For crops to be succesful,the flowers of fruit trees and vegetables must be pollianted by insects ,bats and birds.Their life cycles however frequently require intact forests.

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