Thursday, September 10, 2009

Resource Utilization

Most of the traditional societies used their environment fairly sustainably.Though inequality in resource utilization has existedin every society,the number of individuals that used a large proportion of resources was extremely limited .In recent times,the proportion of'rich'people in affluent societies,have grown rapidly.Inequality has thus become a serious problem .whereas in the past many resources such as timber and fuelwood from the forest were extracted sustainably,this pattern has drastically changed during the last century.The economically-powerful sections began to use greater amounts of forest products ,while those people who lived in the forest become increasingly poor.Similarly,the builidng of large irrigation projects has led to wealth in those areas that had canals ,while those who remained dependent on a constant supply of water from the river itself,have found it difficult ti survive.The key to this issue is the need for an 'equitable'disribution of all types of natural resources .A more even sharing of resources with in the community can reduce these pressures on the natural ecosystems.

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