Saturday, September 19, 2009

Aquatic Ecosystems Using

Man uses aquatic ecosystems for the clean freshwater on which his life completely depedent.we need clean water to drink and for other domestic uses.Water is also essential for agriculture.Fisherfolk use the aquatic ecosytems to earn a livilihood,Pelple catch fush and crabs;they also clooect edible plants .These are used locally as food or for sale in the market .Over -fishing leads to a serios decline in the catch and long-term loss of income for the fisherfolk.
Marshers and wetlands are of great economic importance for people who live on their fish crustaceans ,reeds ,grasses and other produce.

Modern man impounds water in dams to be able to store it throughout the year.Agriculturae and industry are highly dependent on large quantites of water .However this leads to problems for tribal people who have lived there before the dams were built as they are displaced for these dams.

Dams are built across rivers to generate electacity.A large proporation of this energy is used by urban people ,by agriculterists in irrigated farmlands and in enourmous quantities for industry .Large dams have serios ill-effects on the natural river ecosystems .while the water from dams used for irrigation has led to economic prosperity in some areas, in semi-arid areas briught up into the surface layers of the soil.This makes such lands gradually more and saline and unproductive.

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