Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Renewable and non-renewble resources

Ecosystems act as resource producers and processsors.Solar energy is the main driving force of ecological systems providing energy for the growth of plants in forests ,grasslands and aquatic ecosystms .A forest recyles its plant meterial slowly by continously returning its dead meterial ,levels ,braches,etc,to the soil.Grass lands recyle meterial much faster than forests,as tye grass dries up after the rains are over every year.All the aquatic ecosystems are also depend on solar energy and have cycles of growth when plant life spreads up and aquatic animals breed;the sun also drives the water cyle.
our food comes from both natural and agricultural ecosystems.Traditional agriculture ecosysmes that depended on rainfall have been modified in recent times to produce more and more food by the addition of extra chemical and waer from irrigation systems but they still depend o solar system which ultimately lead to the formation of unproductive land .These include irrigation ,which leadsthe development of saline soil,and the use of artificial fertilisers that eventually ruin soil quality and pesticides that pose a health hazzard for humans and destroy components vital to the long term health of agricultural ecosystems.

To manifacture products,Industries require raw meterials from nature including water minerals and power .During the manufacturing process the gases,chimicals and waste produts

pollute our emvirinment ,unless the industries are carefully manged to clean up their wasts and effluents.

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