Tuesday, September 1, 2009


However we n owrealize that all this has led to several understible changes in our Environment.Mankinds has been overusing more intensive depleting natural resources.The over-intensive use of land has exhausted the capability of the ecosystem to support the growing demands of more people,all requiring more intensive use of resources.Industrial growth ,urbanization ,population growth and the enormous incarease in the use consumer goods,hace further stressed the environment,as they create great quantities of the solid waste.Air,water and soil pollution in turn have begun to serious;y effect human health
Changes in land resource use: During the last 100 years,a better health-care delivery system .This phenomenal rise in human numbers has placed great demands on the Earth's natural resource use.These changes have brought about dramtic alterations in landuse patterns and the rapid dispperance pf valuble natural ecosystems.The need for more water ,more food,more energy ,more consumer goods is not only the result of greater population, but also the result over utilization of resources by people from the more affluent societies and the ffluent ou own.

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