Saturday, September 19, 2009


The great variety of life on the Earth has provided for man's needs over thousands of years.This diversity of living creaturs forms a support system which has been used by each civilization for its growth and development.Those that used this bounty of nature carefully and sustainably survived ,while those that overused or misused it disintegrated.
Science has attempted to calssify and categorizecthe variability in nature for over a century.This has led to an understanding of its organiztion in to commubities of plants and animals.This information has helped in utilizing the Earth's biological wealth for the benefit of humanity and has been integral to the process of 'devolopment'.This includes better health care ,better crops and the use of these life-forms as raw meterial for industrial growth ,which has led to a higher standard of living for the developed world .However,this has also produced the modern consumerist society ,which adversely affects the disversity of biological resources upon which it is based .The diversity of life on Earth is os great that if we use it sustainbly we can go on devoloping new products from biodiversity for many generations.This can only happen if we manage biodiversity as precious resource and prevent the extinction of species.

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