Thursday, September 10, 2009


Structure and functions of an ecosystem
Since each ecosysem has a non-living and a living part that are linked to each other ,one needs to look around us and obsereve this closely.Thenon-living components of an ecosystem are the amount of water,inorganic substances and organic compounds,and climatic comnditions,which depend on geographical conditions and organic compunds,and in an ecosystem are inseparable from their habibat.
The living component of plant life ranges from extremely small bacteria.which range from extremely small bacteria,which live in the air,water and soil,algae which live in fresh and saltwater,to the terrestrial plants which range from grasses and herbs that grow after the moonsoon every year ,to the gaint long-lived trees of the forest.The plants convert energy from sunlight in to organic matter for their growth,thus functioning as producers in the systems.The living componenet of the animal world ranges from microscopic animals .to small insects and the large animals such as fish ,amphibians,reptiles,birds and minerals.Man is just one of the 1.8 million species of plants and animals that inhabit the Earth.

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