Sunday, September 6, 2009

Energy resources

Energy is defined by Physics as the capacity to do work.Energy is found on our planer in a variety of forms,some of which are immediatley useful,while others require a process of trajsformation.
Thesun is the primary energy source in our lives.we use it directly for its warmth and through various natural processes that provide us with food,water,fuel,and shelter.The sun's rays power the growth of plants,which form our food meterial ,give off oxygen which we breathe in and take up carbon dioxide that we breathe out.The sun's energy eveporates water form oceans,rivers and lakes,to form clouds that turn into raon.Today's foosil fuels were once the forests that grw in prehistoric times due to the energy of ht esun.
The chemical energy present in chemical compounds is released when they are broken down by animals in the presence of oxygen .In India,manueal labour is still extensively used to pull carts and ploughs.Electical energy is produced in several ways-power transport,artificial lighting ,agriculture and industry.This comes form hydel power based on the water cycel that is powered by stations powere by fossil fuels.Nuclear energy is held in the nucleus of an atom and is now harnessed to develop electrical energy

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