Tuesday, September 1, 2009


All these four sphares are closely onterlinked systems and are dependent on the integrity of each other.Distrubing one of these sphares in our environment affects all the others.
The links between them are mainly in the form of cyles.For intance, the atmosphere and lithorsphere(the seas and fresh water ecosystems )forms clouds in thte atmosphere.On condensing ,acts on rocs as an agent of erosion and over millions of yeats has created soil,on which plant life grows.Atmospheric movements in the form of wind ,also break down rocks in to soil.The most sensitive and complex links are those between the atmosphere,the hydrosphere and the lithosphere,on the one hand,with the millions of living organism in the biosphere on the other.All living organisms present on the surface of land and in the water.The biosphere which they form has countless associations with different parts of the three other 'spheres'
It is therefore,essential to understand the inter-relationships of the seperate entities soil,water,air and living organisms,and to appreaciate the value of preserving intact ecosystems in their entirety.

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